The Cake Is Not A Lie [ COMIC ]

I thought I would name this comic post after the World of Warcraft achievement of the very same name. Bake a cake and get an achievement.

How bad must your life truly be where the promise of cake is enough to make you risk your very existence. Then again, how desperate must you be that your only friend is a weighted companion cube. Regardless, we still have another three (3) months to wait until Portal 2 hits the market.

Update: Just read an article that stated that Portal 2 looks to be pushed back to April.[1]

Today’s guest strip is done by Meghan Murphy of the adorably twisted webcomic Kawaii Not. I actually had the honor of doing a few panels with and enjoying the company of Meghan over the past weekend at AnimeUSA in Arlington, VA. Had a really good time and thanks again from the guest strip.

Oh, not sure what’s going on with all the guest strips? Then read this news post.
