Rumble Roses XXX [ COMIC ]
Rumble Roses, Dead or Alive, Tomb Raider… what do all these titles have in common? Sex appeal. Fortunately, a lot of the titles of the previously mentioned series are actually enjoyable. What’s bad is when titles solely rely on the sex appeal factor and aren’t actually good… like The Guy Game, BMX XXX or Leisure Suit Larry – Magna Cum Laude (not the other Leisure Suit Larrys, they were good just Cum Laude). Why did any of you horn dogs out there buy these games… but alas I think I already answered my question.
Two points for female gamers everywhere. At least they buy games based on whether or not that are fun and not on whether boobs jiggle… except for Mai Shiranui because her boobs jiggling are just cool. “Me bouncy!”