The 100th Comic: Part III [ COMIC ]

I received this email the day I posted the Xed Box strip. Now either “Phil” didn’t like me talking about the XBOX overheating or my comment about Microsoft fanboys jerking off to Vista, but I suspect it had something to do with Microsoft. Regardless, I got a good laugh out of it. My friends and I joked about it afterwards with comments like “that’s what I would expect from a biased faggot like you.” Ah “Phil”, thanks for the good time.

Oh, I wasn’t joking on Ctrl+Alt+Del in the last comic… that was Ami. You know the one that was bashing Dueling Analogs on The Webcomic List…

This was fun, but regular comics start again Monday and I can get back to two strips a week… that’s even more fun. Plus I’ve got the next two and half weeks of comics already mapped out and thats a bonus for me too. ‘Til then…
